Jackson Purchase Historical Society Journal Archive

Book Reviews edited by Walter Darrell Haden
The Poetic Vision of Robert Penn Warren, Frank Windham, Ph.D.
The Kentucky Shakers, Marvin Downing, Ph.D.
Bomber Pilot, John Wilson, Ph.D.
Nineteenth-Century Southern Literature, Frank Windham, Ph.D.
Women in Kentucky, Kellie F. Jones, Ph.D.
Slaves No More: Letters from Liberia 1833-1869, William E. Bennett
Uncle Will of Wildwood, James E. Spears
We Be Here When The Morning Comes, Robert Hayes
The Half-Blood: A Cultural Symbol in 19th-Century American Fiction, Ronald N. Satz, Ph.D.
Recommended Citation
"Book Reviews: "The Poetic Vision of Robert Penn Warren"; Et al.,"
Jackson Purchase Historical Society Journal Archive: Vol. 9:
1, Article 10.
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