Aims & Scope | Kentucky Teacher Education Journal (KTEJ) | Faculty-Edited Journals | Murray State University
Murray State University

Aims & Scope

The purpose of the Kentucky Teacher Education Journal (KTEJ) is to provide a forum for the dissemination of research, information and ideas concerning teacher preparation with an impetus to advance instruction for educators of exceptional and gifted children, and thereby have a positive impact on the education of students with and without disabilities.

The KTEJ publishes research on topics of exceptionality for consideration in teacher education programs, evaluations/discussions of personnel preparation programs, promising practices, and interpretive or critical literature reviews. Articles that discuss teacher education, and gifted and special education at the pre-service or in-service levels are encouraged. Submissions of faculty-supported undergraduate and graduate student research are welcomed.

Manuscripts should reflect the purpose, describe how the findings can be applied in generalized settings and express how they are important to teacher educators and exceptionality. Manuscripts demonstrating scholarly treatment of concepts, practices, or research studies that have implications and applicability for practitioners involved with teaching and learning will be considered.

Article Descriptions

Research Articles

-Empirical or applied research studies; studies can use quantitative, qualitative or single subject research methodology; report data collection procedures, results, and implications.

Program Descriptions

-Comprehensive description (e.g. structure, components, outcomes) of innovative pre-service or in-service personnel preparation programs.

Promising Practices

-Practical ideas for direct practice at the pre-service or in-service level.

Reviews of the Literature

-Critical Reviews of the literature surrounding teacher preparation at the pre-service or in-service level.