Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: An Assessment of the Role of Multimedia in Enhancing Student Learning in Freshman Level Biology Courses

An Assessment of the Role of Multimedia in Enhancing Student Learning in Freshman Level Biology Courses


Eastern Kentucky University


Over the past five years, the number of biology multimedia products being commercially produced has increased dramatically. While some research suggests that students benefit from using computer-based instructional materials, there have been few studies conducted on the role of multimedia in enhancing student learning. During the summer 2002, a pilot project was conducted that assessed student perceptions of the value of multimedia supplements in enhancing student understanding of course concepts. The goals of this presentation are (a) to describe the pilot project, and (b) to discuss the preliminary results of the study.

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An Assessment of the Role of Multimedia in Enhancing Student Learning in Freshman Level Biology Courses

Over the past five years, the number of biology multimedia products being commercially produced has increased dramatically. While some research suggests that students benefit from using computer-based instructional materials, there have been few studies conducted on the role of multimedia in enhancing student learning. During the summer 2002, a pilot project was conducted that assessed student perceptions of the value of multimedia supplements in enhancing student understanding of course concepts. The goals of this presentation are (a) to describe the pilot project, and (b) to discuss the preliminary results of the study.