Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Chlorinated Pesticides Concentrations in Fish from Kentucky Lake.

Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Chlorinated Pesticides Concentrations in Fish from Kentucky Lake.


Murray State University


Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and chlorinated pesticides are well known environmental pollutants and responsible for serious environmental and health problems. One of the major routes of human exposure to PCBs and chlorinated pesticides is consumption of contaminated fish. The purpose of this study is to measure the levels of PCBs and chlorinated pesticides in Kentucky Lake fish. Several species of fish were collected from selected locations in the Kentucky Lake. The samples were dissected and only edible flesh portions were analyzed for PCB congeners and selected chlorinated pesticides. Standard analytical procedures were followed to measure the compounds in fish. In general, total PCB concentrations in fish fillet were relatively higher than the pesticides. Total PCB concentrations in Kentucky Lake fish ranged from 1.6 ng/g wet weight to 73 ng/g wet weight. Chlorinated pesticide concentration in fish ranged from 1.14 ng/g wet weight to 3.3 ng/g wet weight. The levels of PCBs and chlorinated pesticides in Kentucky Lake fish were below the Food and Drug Administrations established limits for human consumption.

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Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Chlorinated Pesticides Concentrations in Fish from Kentucky Lake.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and chlorinated pesticides are well known environmental pollutants and responsible for serious environmental and health problems. One of the major routes of human exposure to PCBs and chlorinated pesticides is consumption of contaminated fish. The purpose of this study is to measure the levels of PCBs and chlorinated pesticides in Kentucky Lake fish. Several species of fish were collected from selected locations in the Kentucky Lake. The samples were dissected and only edible flesh portions were analyzed for PCB congeners and selected chlorinated pesticides. Standard analytical procedures were followed to measure the compounds in fish. In general, total PCB concentrations in fish fillet were relatively higher than the pesticides. Total PCB concentrations in Kentucky Lake fish ranged from 1.6 ng/g wet weight to 73 ng/g wet weight. Chlorinated pesticide concentration in fish ranged from 1.14 ng/g wet weight to 3.3 ng/g wet weight. The levels of PCBs and chlorinated pesticides in Kentucky Lake fish were below the Food and Drug Administrations established limits for human consumption.