Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: The Impact of Perceived Risk, Victimization Experience, and School Supervision on Fear of Crime and Fear of Bullying at School among Public School Students in Kentucky

Eastern Kentucky University

The Impact of Perceived Risk, Victimization Experience, and School Supervision on Fear of Crime and Fear of Bullying at School among Public School Students in Kentucky


Eastern Kentucky University


For many years, researchers have sought to unravel the relationship between perceptions of risk, victimization, and fear of criminal victimization among adolescents at school. No studies, however, have examined the antecedents of fear of bullying at school. Using data from over 3,000 middle and high school students from eight public schools in Kentucky, I attempt to unravel the relationship between these factors. Thus, I use multivariate linear regression to examine the relationship between fear of bullying at school and race, gender, grade level, perceptions of risk, victimization experience, and the student’s perception of communication with adults at school. The results from this study indicate that females, Whites, students from lower grades, those students who feel most comfortable talking with an adult at school, students who have been teased or called names, and students who perceive themselves most likely to be victimized by crime are significantly more fearful of bullying than their counterparts. Implications of these findings for school safety and perceptions of bullying at school are also discussed.

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The Impact of Perceived Risk, Victimization Experience, and School Supervision on Fear of Crime and Fear of Bullying at School among Public School Students in Kentucky

For many years, researchers have sought to unravel the relationship between perceptions of risk, victimization, and fear of criminal victimization among adolescents at school. No studies, however, have examined the antecedents of fear of bullying at school. Using data from over 3,000 middle and high school students from eight public schools in Kentucky, I attempt to unravel the relationship between these factors. Thus, I use multivariate linear regression to examine the relationship between fear of bullying at school and race, gender, grade level, perceptions of risk, victimization experience, and the student’s perception of communication with adults at school. The results from this study indicate that females, Whites, students from lower grades, those students who feel most comfortable talking with an adult at school, students who have been teased or called names, and students who perceive themselves most likely to be victimized by crime are significantly more fearful of bullying than their counterparts. Implications of these findings for school safety and perceptions of bullying at school are also discussed.