Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Discovery

Murray State University


Presenter Information

Alissa Volp, Murray State University


Murray State University


John Locke advocated the theory of tabula rosa. Each human is born with a clean slate. Every experience a person encounters in life leaves markings on the slate. The experience of life is the seed of inspiration behind my choreography. My discoveries during the past years at Murray State University have developed me into a unique person. These years of independence have reminded me that the past is what created me. My friend recently had a baby named Ethan, which allowed me to study the actions and discoveries of someone new. Ethan was very animated, kicking, stretching, and reaching. The opening movement of the dancers is abstracted from this gentle moving of a baby. When a child is young, he radiates outwardly, continuing his journey of intrapersonal and interpersonal exploration. As he grows and interacts, he becomes more curious about the world. To show this discovery, I used movement reaching from inside to extend through the limbs. Exploration results with an experience, contributing to his development. This outward growth counteracts to inward growth as he experiences pain or disappointment. His life is not new, but tarnished with the trials life heaved on him during his journey of discovery. My choreography interprets this through sharp, retracting motions that carry it through an exploration of the circular growth pattern. While thinking of Locke’s tabula rosa and a life embarking on its journey, I continue to develop my choreography. I hope others can draw on my interpretations and discover their own understanding of life.

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John Locke advocated the theory of tabula rosa. Each human is born with a clean slate. Every experience a person encounters in life leaves markings on the slate. The experience of life is the seed of inspiration behind my choreography. My discoveries during the past years at Murray State University have developed me into a unique person. These years of independence have reminded me that the past is what created me. My friend recently had a baby named Ethan, which allowed me to study the actions and discoveries of someone new. Ethan was very animated, kicking, stretching, and reaching. The opening movement of the dancers is abstracted from this gentle moving of a baby. When a child is young, he radiates outwardly, continuing his journey of intrapersonal and interpersonal exploration. As he grows and interacts, he becomes more curious about the world. To show this discovery, I used movement reaching from inside to extend through the limbs. Exploration results with an experience, contributing to his development. This outward growth counteracts to inward growth as he experiences pain or disappointment. His life is not new, but tarnished with the trials life heaved on him during his journey of discovery. My choreography interprets this through sharp, retracting motions that carry it through an exploration of the circular growth pattern. While thinking of Locke’s tabula rosa and a life embarking on its journey, I continue to develop my choreography. I hope others can draw on my interpretations and discover their own understanding of life.