Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: nkuGeometry, an Interactive Website

Northern Kentucky University

nkuGeometry, an Interactive Website


Northern Kentucky University


During the Summer of 2004, a website, called nkuGeometry, was compiled that interactively illustrates concepts of both Euclidean and equiaffine differential geometry ( The purpose of our website is to assist students, or those who are otherwise interested and have a knowledge of calculus and analytic geometry, in understanding fundamental concepts pertaining to differential geometry. This website allows students to look at graphs and understand what concepts like arc length and curvature really mean with respect to a defined function and its graph. The interactivity of the website allows students to look at multiple and perhaps personally frustrating graphs, far surpassing any amount of visuals and/or examples that could be provided in a textbook. The website is also geared towards those who are already proficient in advanced geometrical topics; our website gives an easy and accessible way to explore and investigate varied and more nuanced functions. Our poster will describe many of the features of the nkuGeometry website, as well as set nkuGeometry apart as a unique and diverse differential geometry resource. Our poster will show specifically what types of calculations can be made (arc length, curvature, etc.). Finally, it will illustrate the vast array of things that can be done with the web Mathematica software package, which is what we used to generate the interactive graphs and other such outputs.

This document is currently not available here.



nkuGeometry, an Interactive Website

During the Summer of 2004, a website, called nkuGeometry, was compiled that interactively illustrates concepts of both Euclidean and equiaffine differential geometry ( The purpose of our website is to assist students, or those who are otherwise interested and have a knowledge of calculus and analytic geometry, in understanding fundamental concepts pertaining to differential geometry. This website allows students to look at graphs and understand what concepts like arc length and curvature really mean with respect to a defined function and its graph. The interactivity of the website allows students to look at multiple and perhaps personally frustrating graphs, far surpassing any amount of visuals and/or examples that could be provided in a textbook. The website is also geared towards those who are already proficient in advanced geometrical topics; our website gives an easy and accessible way to explore and investigate varied and more nuanced functions. Our poster will describe many of the features of the nkuGeometry website, as well as set nkuGeometry apart as a unique and diverse differential geometry resource. Our poster will show specifically what types of calculations can be made (arc length, curvature, etc.). Finally, it will illustrate the vast array of things that can be done with the web Mathematica software package, which is what we used to generate the interactive graphs and other such outputs.