Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Contrast Effects and Graduate School Applications

Eastern Kentucky University

Contrast Effects and Graduate School Applications


Eastern Kentucky University


In the present study, I will explore the effect of contrast on judgments of graduate school applications. Participants will be students from Eastern Kentucky University. Subjects will be randomly assigned to a positive or negative condition and will rate the hypothetical graduate school application. Subjects in a positive context condition will view and rate a good application first and then will rate the average application. Subjects in the negative context condition will view a poor application first, and then will rate the average application. I hypothesize that subjects who view the good applications first will rate the average application lower than those who view the poor application first.

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Contrast Effects and Graduate School Applications

In the present study, I will explore the effect of contrast on judgments of graduate school applications. Participants will be students from Eastern Kentucky University. Subjects will be randomly assigned to a positive or negative condition and will rate the hypothetical graduate school application. Subjects in a positive context condition will view and rate a good application first and then will rate the average application. Subjects in the negative context condition will view a poor application first, and then will rate the average application. I hypothesize that subjects who view the good applications first will rate the average application lower than those who view the poor application first.