Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Visual Interference

Eastern Kentucky University

Visual Interference


Eastern Kentucky University


In this experiment, I will explore the effect of visual information on interference with eyewitness memory. Participants will view a video tape of the television series, "Cops." Then, they will view a second tape. Participants in one condition will view a thematically similar tape, while the participants in the other condition will view a thematically dissimilar tape. I expect that those who view the similar tape will have more memory interference. Therefore, I predict that participants who view the thematically similar tape will have more memory errors for the original tape than will participants who view the thematically dissimilar tape.

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Visual Interference

In this experiment, I will explore the effect of visual information on interference with eyewitness memory. Participants will view a video tape of the television series, "Cops." Then, they will view a second tape. Participants in one condition will view a thematically similar tape, while the participants in the other condition will view a thematically dissimilar tape. I expect that those who view the similar tape will have more memory interference. Therefore, I predict that participants who view the thematically similar tape will have more memory errors for the original tape than will participants who view the thematically dissimilar tape.