Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: New Rotational Bands in Strontium-81

Morehead State University

New Rotational Bands in Strontium-81


Morehead State University


High-Spin states in Strontium-81 have been studied using the reaction Ni-58 (Si-28, alpha 2 proton) with a 128 MeV Si-28 beam from the 88-Inch Cyclotron at Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory. The Ni-58 target had an effective thinkness of 0.246 mg/cm2 . Three of the previously existing seven bands and two feeder bands were modified. The level scheme was extended by 68 new transitions and 2 rotational bands. Statistical analysis shows the possible start of shape change in the 2 new rotational bands. The data was analyzed using the Radware software package. The hardware was a Solaris based workstation.

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New Rotational Bands in Strontium-81

High-Spin states in Strontium-81 have been studied using the reaction Ni-58 (Si-28, alpha 2 proton) with a 128 MeV Si-28 beam from the 88-Inch Cyclotron at Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory. The Ni-58 target had an effective thinkness of 0.246 mg/cm2 . Three of the previously existing seven bands and two feeder bands were modified. The level scheme was extended by 68 new transitions and 2 rotational bands. Statistical analysis shows the possible start of shape change in the 2 new rotational bands. The data was analyzed using the Radware software package. The hardware was a Solaris based workstation.