Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Bridging the Gap: Bringing STEM Role Models to Every Classroom in Kentucky

Western Kentucky University

Bridging the Gap: Bringing STEM Role Models to Every Classroom in Kentucky


Western Kentucky University


This project was the first step in the production of a video featuring interview biographies of a multicultural group of Kentucky STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) role models. Twenty-five Kentucky born/raised STEM professionals were identified and their professional backgrounds were researched. This work was preliminary to the production of a video to be distributed to all 1,271 Kentucky primary, middle, and secondary public schools. The premise of this project is that all students need role models with whom they can identify, and who convey to them, “I am like you. See what I have accomplished. You can do this too.” Ideally, these role models would be present in all classrooms. In reality, it would be impossible for them to reach all classrooms in person. This project will be a solution to this problem. It will bring STEM role models to every classroom in Kentucky.

This document is currently not available here.



Bridging the Gap: Bringing STEM Role Models to Every Classroom in Kentucky

This project was the first step in the production of a video featuring interview biographies of a multicultural group of Kentucky STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) role models. Twenty-five Kentucky born/raised STEM professionals were identified and their professional backgrounds were researched. This work was preliminary to the production of a video to be distributed to all 1,271 Kentucky primary, middle, and secondary public schools. The premise of this project is that all students need role models with whom they can identify, and who convey to them, “I am like you. See what I have accomplished. You can do this too.” Ideally, these role models would be present in all classrooms. In reality, it would be impossible for them to reach all classrooms in person. This project will be a solution to this problem. It will bring STEM role models to every classroom in Kentucky.