Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Nursing Care of Patients Diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder

Eastern Kentucky University

Nursing Care of Patients Diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder


Eastern Kentucky University


This poster discusses an integrative review of nursing care for patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD), and nursing responses and attitudes of the nurse and the patient within an inpatient setting. The purpose of this poster is to define BPD, the challenges of working with this patient population, discuss its significance, and the findings. The source that was used was a published article that was written by Dr. Ann Bland, "Clinical supervision of nurses working with patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder". The conclusion discusses key issues, concerns, nursing responses and implications to patient care that may develop in take care of the emotional and physical needs of patients diagnosed with BPD in an inpatient setting. Establishing trust is necessary for a therapeutic working relationship between the nurse and the patient. However, before trust can begin, the negative nursing responses that can be inadvertently displayed such as anger or frustration towards the patient can cause a barrier between the nurse and the patient.

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Nursing Care of Patients Diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder

This poster discusses an integrative review of nursing care for patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD), and nursing responses and attitudes of the nurse and the patient within an inpatient setting. The purpose of this poster is to define BPD, the challenges of working with this patient population, discuss its significance, and the findings. The source that was used was a published article that was written by Dr. Ann Bland, "Clinical supervision of nurses working with patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder". The conclusion discusses key issues, concerns, nursing responses and implications to patient care that may develop in take care of the emotional and physical needs of patients diagnosed with BPD in an inpatient setting. Establishing trust is necessary for a therapeutic working relationship between the nurse and the patient. However, before trust can begin, the negative nursing responses that can be inadvertently displayed such as anger or frustration towards the patient can cause a barrier between the nurse and the patient.