Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Impact of Cry 3Bb Bt Transformed Corn Kernels on Life History Attributes of Several Stored Grain Beetle Pests

Kentucky State University

Impact of Cry 3Bb Bt Transformed Corn Kernels on Life History Attributes of Several Stored Grain Beetle Pests


Kentucky State University


Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the impact of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn hybrids containing Cry 3Bb protein genes on mortality and progeny production of maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais, red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, and sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamenis, three common pests of stored grain. Approximately 8.5 g of either Yieldgard® Corn Borer, Yieldgard® Rootworm, Yieldgard® Plus, or conventional corn used as a control were placed in ventilated vials. Nine maize weevils or 10 red flour beetles or sawtoothed grain beetles were added to each vial. The vials were placed in an environmental growth chamber set to 27 + 1ºC, > 60% RH and complete darkness. Three replicates, each containing five vials of each treatment were used. Mortality was quantified after one week and adults were removed. Progeny checks began two weeks after adults were removed and were done daily for six weeks. Percent mortality was low with all insects in all treatments. Maize weevil progeny emergence was the same in all treatments. However, progeny emergence was lowest in the conventional corn used as a control for both red flour beetle and sawtoothed grain beetle. Results indicate that these three Bt corn hybrids have no negative impact on maize weevil, red four beetle or sawtoothed grain beetle life history attributes.

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Impact of Cry 3Bb Bt Transformed Corn Kernels on Life History Attributes of Several Stored Grain Beetle Pests

Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the impact of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn hybrids containing Cry 3Bb protein genes on mortality and progeny production of maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais, red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, and sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamenis, three common pests of stored grain. Approximately 8.5 g of either Yieldgard® Corn Borer, Yieldgard® Rootworm, Yieldgard® Plus, or conventional corn used as a control were placed in ventilated vials. Nine maize weevils or 10 red flour beetles or sawtoothed grain beetles were added to each vial. The vials were placed in an environmental growth chamber set to 27 + 1ºC, > 60% RH and complete darkness. Three replicates, each containing five vials of each treatment were used. Mortality was quantified after one week and adults were removed. Progeny checks began two weeks after adults were removed and were done daily for six weeks. Percent mortality was low with all insects in all treatments. Maize weevil progeny emergence was the same in all treatments. However, progeny emergence was lowest in the conventional corn used as a control for both red flour beetle and sawtoothed grain beetle. Results indicate that these three Bt corn hybrids have no negative impact on maize weevil, red four beetle or sawtoothed grain beetle life history attributes.