Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: WKU Electrical Engineering Student Projects

Western Kentucky University

WKU Electrical Engineering Student Projects


Western Kentucky University


Project based education is the mission of the Department of Engineering at WKU. In order to support that mission, electrical engineering students participate in a variety of projects throughout their academic career. This poster presents a sample of projects by electrical engineering seniors. The first project is a discussion of proportional-integralderivative control. The second project presents the topic of thermal runaway in lithium ion batteries. The third project on the poster is dynamic thermal control of data centers.

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WKU Electrical Engineering Student Projects

Project based education is the mission of the Department of Engineering at WKU. In order to support that mission, electrical engineering students participate in a variety of projects throughout their academic career. This poster presents a sample of projects by electrical engineering seniors. The first project is a discussion of proportional-integralderivative control. The second project presents the topic of thermal runaway in lithium ion batteries. The third project on the poster is dynamic thermal control of data centers.