Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Stormwater Best Management Practices in Karst Regions of Kentucky

Western Kentucky University

Stormwater Best Management Practices in Karst Regions of Kentucky


Western Kentucky University


By-Pass Cave is an insurgence cave with water flow that has been dye traced to the Lost River Cave system stream that eventually flows into the Barren River. The cave has a surveyed length of 378 meters (1247 feet) and runs directly under several businesses and highway US 31-W. The cave has a history of flood flows and poor water quality. As part of the Clean Water Act’s Phase II implementation of stormwater programs, a structural water quality device was added to limit the stormwater pollution entering this stream. Water quality samples were taken prior to implementation in order to create a pollution baseline. Samples subsequent to the BMP installation reveal that in karst areas, structural BMP’s at cave stream mouths are of limited utility in removing contaminants from cave systems and that other management strategies are needed. Bypass Cave is the first step in the water cycle as rainfall moves into the Barren River. If water quality is improved here, the impact will be felt throughout the system.

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Stormwater Best Management Practices in Karst Regions of Kentucky

By-Pass Cave is an insurgence cave with water flow that has been dye traced to the Lost River Cave system stream that eventually flows into the Barren River. The cave has a surveyed length of 378 meters (1247 feet) and runs directly under several businesses and highway US 31-W. The cave has a history of flood flows and poor water quality. As part of the Clean Water Act’s Phase II implementation of stormwater programs, a structural water quality device was added to limit the stormwater pollution entering this stream. Water quality samples were taken prior to implementation in order to create a pollution baseline. Samples subsequent to the BMP installation reveal that in karst areas, structural BMP’s at cave stream mouths are of limited utility in removing contaminants from cave systems and that other management strategies are needed. Bypass Cave is the first step in the water cycle as rainfall moves into the Barren River. If water quality is improved here, the impact will be felt throughout the system.