Eastern Kentucky University | 2008 - Posters-at-the-Capitol

Eastern Kentucky University

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Angry Dads: Male Parental Aggression as a Measure of Parental Care and its Modulation Via the Neuropeptide Arginine Vasotocin (AVT)

Nirmalee Ratnamalala, Eastern Kentucky University

Changes In Water Use Efficiency and Xylem Production of Two Pinus Strobus Plantations

Tyler A. Blythe, Eastern Kentucky University

Film Forums and Global Diversity Issues: Changing the World through Student Engagement and Advocacy

Beth Feltner, Eastern Kentucky University
Joshua H. Sparks, Eastern Kentucky University
Erica L. Brown, Eastern Kentucky University
Miranda Westbrook, Eastern Kentucky University
Renee Thompson, Eastern Kentucky University

GIS Approach to Growth Potential in Jackson County, Kentucky

Ann Harris, Eastern Kentucky University

Mapping Mine Reclamation Areas to Introduce Beekeeping Programs

Hanna Watts, Eastern Kentucky University

Modernizing the Science Classroom: An Introduction to RNA Interference

Jeremiah R. Alexander, Eastern Kentucky University

Pesticides Screening of Wilgreen Lake in Madison County Kentucky

Brook E. West, Eastern Kentucky University

Photo-acoustic Effect with a Pulsed Laser: Detection of Water Contaminants

Chasity Hoskins, Eastern Kentucky University

Right Fork Beaver Creek Monitoring Project: Undergraduate Research Experiences in an Applied Setting

Lindsay Bonds, Eastern Kentucky University
Glade Brosi, Eastern Kentucky University
Derick Compton, Eastern Kentucky University
Jason Hodge, Eastern Kentucky University
Mary Profitt, Eastern Kentucky University


Chad Birch, Eastern Kentucky University

Social Disorganization and Gun Access and Use: Correlates, Causes, and Consequences among Incarcerated Juveniles

Stephanie Fraley, Eastern Kentucky University

STUDY 1: Adults Negatively Perceive Overweight Children -

Angela Haynes, Eastern Kentucky University
Jessica P. Nichols, Eastern Kentucky University

STUDY 1: William Schuman and The Mighty Casey

Jessica Marshall, Eastern Kentucky University
Matthew B. Courtney, Eastern Kentucky University

STUDY 2: Stephen Foster: Kentucky's Not-So Hometown Hero

Jessica Marshall, Eastern Kentucky University
Matthew B. Courtney, Eastern Kentucky University

STUDY 2: Talk the Talk: Appalachian Accent and Interview Evaluations -

Angela Haynes, Eastern Kentucky University
Jessica P. Nichols, Eastern Kentucky University

The Portrayal of Women in Prime-Time Crime Dramas: A Content Analysis of Law and Order Special Victims Unit

Janice C. Clayton, Eastern Kentucky University

The Relationship of Personality Traits and Motivation behind Study Habits

Jill Denny, Eastern Kentucky University
Sharon Trew, Eastern Kentucky University