Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: The Correlation of Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences and the Intelligences Exhibited by College Musicians

Morehead State University

The Correlation of Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences and the Intelligences Exhibited by College Musicians


Morehead State University


The cognitive framework of musicians' brains may utilize unique intelligences as compared with the general population. This research evaluated Morehead State University music students' intelligences as defined in Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Gardner theorizes that people excel in various intelligences, such as musical or kinesthetic areas. He also states that each person may excel in more than one area; these intelligences are not exclusive. In order to determine if musicians have a stronger aptitude for musical and interpersonal intelligence, this research used the MIResearch (Multiple Intelligence Research Consulting) National Basic Research Package. The subjects were college age musicians (twenty-years-old and above) at Morehead State University in Morehead, Kentucky. The research provided data to show relationships between musicians, musical intelligence and interpersonal intelligence. Data were assessed to determine if there is indeed a relationship between these two intelligences and students' musical pursuits.

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The Correlation of Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences and the Intelligences Exhibited by College Musicians

The cognitive framework of musicians' brains may utilize unique intelligences as compared with the general population. This research evaluated Morehead State University music students' intelligences as defined in Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Gardner theorizes that people excel in various intelligences, such as musical or kinesthetic areas. He also states that each person may excel in more than one area; these intelligences are not exclusive. In order to determine if musicians have a stronger aptitude for musical and interpersonal intelligence, this research used the MIResearch (Multiple Intelligence Research Consulting) National Basic Research Package. The subjects were college age musicians (twenty-years-old and above) at Morehead State University in Morehead, Kentucky. The research provided data to show relationships between musicians, musical intelligence and interpersonal intelligence. Data were assessed to determine if there is indeed a relationship between these two intelligences and students' musical pursuits.