Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: STUDY 3: Ridomil and Quadris Applications in Dark Tobacco

Murray State University

STUDY 3: Ridomil and Quadris Applications in Dark Tobacco


Murray State University


In collaboration with the University of Kentucky, Murray State University set twenty test lots of dark tobacco to determine if the yield and quality of tobacco could be enhanced with the use of a fungicide. Both Ridomil Gold 480SL, a fungicide designed for the control of specific diseases spurred by the Oomycyte class of fungi, and Quadris, a reduced-risk fungicide for broad spectrum disease control, were tested in various capacities throughout the treatments. A blanket application of Ridomil Gold was applied to each test plot preplant on June 1, 2007. The Narrowleaf Madole variety was set in the test plots on June 6, 2007, using 40-inch rows and 32-inch plant spacing. The first treatment incorporated only the Ridomil Gold preplant; however, treatments two through five also applied either Ridomil Gold or Quadris during cultivation. Treatments two and three incorporated Ridomil Gold at a rate of one pint per acre during cultivation. Treatment three further applied one pint per acre of Ridomil Gold during the last cultivation on July 17, 2007. Treatments four and five incorporated Quadris at a rate of 18.6 oz. per acre during cultivation, with treatment five further including an 18.6 oz. per acre application during the last cultivation on July 17. Once the tobacco has been stripped and weighed, the results will demonstrate whether applying either or both of these fungicide chemicals is beneficial to producers in terms of enhanced production.

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STUDY 3: Ridomil and Quadris Applications in Dark Tobacco

In collaboration with the University of Kentucky, Murray State University set twenty test lots of dark tobacco to determine if the yield and quality of tobacco could be enhanced with the use of a fungicide. Both Ridomil Gold 480SL, a fungicide designed for the control of specific diseases spurred by the Oomycyte class of fungi, and Quadris, a reduced-risk fungicide for broad spectrum disease control, were tested in various capacities throughout the treatments. A blanket application of Ridomil Gold was applied to each test plot preplant on June 1, 2007. The Narrowleaf Madole variety was set in the test plots on June 6, 2007, using 40-inch rows and 32-inch plant spacing. The first treatment incorporated only the Ridomil Gold preplant; however, treatments two through five also applied either Ridomil Gold or Quadris during cultivation. Treatments two and three incorporated Ridomil Gold at a rate of one pint per acre during cultivation. Treatment three further applied one pint per acre of Ridomil Gold during the last cultivation on July 17, 2007. Treatments four and five incorporated Quadris at a rate of 18.6 oz. per acre during cultivation, with treatment five further including an 18.6 oz. per acre application during the last cultivation on July 17. Once the tobacco has been stripped and weighed, the results will demonstrate whether applying either or both of these fungicide chemicals is beneficial to producers in terms of enhanced production.