Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: "Queen Marie Antoinette's Pre-Revolutionary Image: A Product of Media Fabrication or Personal Flaws"

Murray State University

"Queen Marie Antoinette's Pre-Revolutionary Image: A Product of Media Fabrication or Personal Flaws"


Murray State University


This project looks at the relationship between Queen Marie Antoinette and the press in the years leading up to the French Revolution. The study explores whether or not much of her negative image was brought on by her own bad habits and personal flaws, and how much of it was exaggerated or even completely fabricated by the press. Primary sources from the period (including drawings, printings, cartoons, caricatures, manuscripts, pamphlets, and newspapers) as well as secondary sources, both in English and French, have been used. The effect of the Queen's negative image on the entire monarchy will be presented.

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"Queen Marie Antoinette's Pre-Revolutionary Image: A Product of Media Fabrication or Personal Flaws"

This project looks at the relationship between Queen Marie Antoinette and the press in the years leading up to the French Revolution. The study explores whether or not much of her negative image was brought on by her own bad habits and personal flaws, and how much of it was exaggerated or even completely fabricated by the press. Primary sources from the period (including drawings, printings, cartoons, caricatures, manuscripts, pamphlets, and newspapers) as well as secondary sources, both in English and French, have been used. The effect of the Queen's negative image on the entire monarchy will be presented.