Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies of Fullerene-Bipyridine and CorannuleneBipyridine Organometallic Supramolecular Systems

Northern Kentucky University

Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies of Fullerene-Bipyridine and CorannuleneBipyridine Organometallic Supramolecular Systems


Northern Kentucky University


The objective of this research is to functionalize fullerenes and incorporate them into a novel supramolecular system where they can be coordinated to various transition metals. The resulting complexes will have novel photophysical and charge-transfer properties. Corannulenes (e.g., "buckybowls") are also functionalized to produce systems with improved solubility of their fullerene analogues. A variety of spectroscopic studies will be performed on these systems, including NMR, absorption, emission, variable temperature emission, and laser-induced transient absorption. Evidence of charge transfer between the fullerene and transition metal moieties are presented.

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Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies of Fullerene-Bipyridine and CorannuleneBipyridine Organometallic Supramolecular Systems

The objective of this research is to functionalize fullerenes and incorporate them into a novel supramolecular system where they can be coordinated to various transition metals. The resulting complexes will have novel photophysical and charge-transfer properties. Corannulenes (e.g., "buckybowls") are also functionalized to produce systems with improved solubility of their fullerene analogues. A variety of spectroscopic studies will be performed on these systems, including NMR, absorption, emission, variable temperature emission, and laser-induced transient absorption. Evidence of charge transfer between the fullerene and transition metal moieties are presented.