Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Student Community Involvement

University of Kentucky

Student Community Involvement


University of Kentucky


This study focuses on the issue: How and why do students in the College of Agriculture at the University of Kentucky participate in voluntary community service activities? These students were asked to complete an anonymous online survey. The results assessed the community impact of service projects by students in the college to identify ways to increase opportunities for community service, evaluate the relationship between community service and academic success, and expand the marketing of opportunities within the College. The survey was conducted online using Survey Monkey. An email was sent to all students in the College asking them to participate in the study. Participation was voluntary and responses were kept anonymous. The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies supported this effort by asking faculty to announce the survey process in their classes. The survey addressed the following topics: demographic background of the respondents (gender, age, and year in college); frequency and types of participation in on- and off-campus community service activities. Types of participation will include whether they personally donated money, goods, or services or solicited funds, goods, or services from others. Respondents were asked why they participated in community service activities and to rank the relative importance of different reasons. Through this survey, I hope to better understand the factors influencing the participation of college students in community service activities and to estimate the value of their work.

This document is currently not available here.



Student Community Involvement

This study focuses on the issue: How and why do students in the College of Agriculture at the University of Kentucky participate in voluntary community service activities? These students were asked to complete an anonymous online survey. The results assessed the community impact of service projects by students in the college to identify ways to increase opportunities for community service, evaluate the relationship between community service and academic success, and expand the marketing of opportunities within the College. The survey was conducted online using Survey Monkey. An email was sent to all students in the College asking them to participate in the study. Participation was voluntary and responses were kept anonymous. The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies supported this effort by asking faculty to announce the survey process in their classes. The survey addressed the following topics: demographic background of the respondents (gender, age, and year in college); frequency and types of participation in on- and off-campus community service activities. Types of participation will include whether they personally donated money, goods, or services or solicited funds, goods, or services from others. Respondents were asked why they participated in community service activities and to rank the relative importance of different reasons. Through this survey, I hope to better understand the factors influencing the participation of college students in community service activities and to estimate the value of their work.