Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Three Dimensional Modeling of Kentucky Oil Fields

Murray State University

Three Dimensional Modeling of Kentucky Oil Fields


Murray State University


The purpose of this research is to prepare realistic three dimensional models of four Kentucky oil fields in order to develop a general understanding of the subsurface of the Illinois Basin. The research attempts to define work flow procedures and graphic techniques required to produce three dimensional oil field models. Work flow includes hardcopy digitizing, data testing and verification, and the use of different graphic modeling methods (filled contour maps, wireframe and draped wireframes, surface models, and vector models) to show the subsurface. The resulting graphics show morphology of the individual oilfields, and use of a common coordinate system provides a means of illustrating the spatial relationship between the fields. Finally, investigation of surface analogs has facilitated the use of realistic color (hue, value and chroma) in models developed for the basin.

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Three Dimensional Modeling of Kentucky Oil Fields

The purpose of this research is to prepare realistic three dimensional models of four Kentucky oil fields in order to develop a general understanding of the subsurface of the Illinois Basin. The research attempts to define work flow procedures and graphic techniques required to produce three dimensional oil field models. Work flow includes hardcopy digitizing, data testing and verification, and the use of different graphic modeling methods (filled contour maps, wireframe and draped wireframes, surface models, and vector models) to show the subsurface. The resulting graphics show morphology of the individual oilfields, and use of a common coordinate system provides a means of illustrating the spatial relationship between the fields. Finally, investigation of surface analogs has facilitated the use of realistic color (hue, value and chroma) in models developed for the basin.