Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: The Association Between Children’s Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior with Cancellation and No-Show Rates in a Community Mental Health Clinic

Eastern Kentucky University

The Association Between Children’s Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior with Cancellation and No-Show Rates in a Community Mental Health Clinic


Eastern Kentucky University


This study investigates the association between children’s symptomology, as determined by BASC-2 PRS scores, and cancellations by parents using data collected on 88 children in a Community Mental Health Clinic. It was hypothesized that internalizing behaviors are positively correlated with no-show and cancellation rates, and that externalizing behaviors are negatively correlated with no-show and cancellation rates. A bivariate analysis was run across all variables and it was determined that internalizing behaviors are positively correlated with cancellation rates (r=.229, p<.05), sessions (r=.440, p<.01), and phone calls (r=.21, p<.05). Given a higher likelihood of cancellation for child clients with internalizing behaviors, an increase in reminder calls and education for the parents of those child clients may result in fewer cancellation issues.

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The Association Between Children’s Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior with Cancellation and No-Show Rates in a Community Mental Health Clinic

This study investigates the association between children’s symptomology, as determined by BASC-2 PRS scores, and cancellations by parents using data collected on 88 children in a Community Mental Health Clinic. It was hypothesized that internalizing behaviors are positively correlated with no-show and cancellation rates, and that externalizing behaviors are negatively correlated with no-show and cancellation rates. A bivariate analysis was run across all variables and it was determined that internalizing behaviors are positively correlated with cancellation rates (r=.229, p<.05), sessions (r=.440, p<.01), and phone calls (r=.21, p<.05). Given a higher likelihood of cancellation for child clients with internalizing behaviors, an increase in reminder calls and education for the parents of those child clients may result in fewer cancellation issues.