Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Court Appointed Special Advocates: Special Volunteers

Murray State University

Court Appointed Special Advocates: Special Volunteers


Murray State University


CASA, which stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates, is a national organization composed mainly of volunteers, who work together to help children whose parents are in court because of neglect or abuse charges. Volunteers, who are appointed by the court and trained, work with the children to help them understand what is happening and to assess all information to help decide what is best for the child. They also work with parents to help educate them and get them the services they need to be a better parent. The focus of this research is on the CASA volunteers and their experiences within the program. The study surveyed volunteers on their training experience, work with various agencies in coordinating help to benefit children, and studied attachment issues within the program. The project also covered, through voluntary follow up interviews, in-depth problems within the program and emotional attachment problems, workplace problems, and problems deemed important by the volunteer. The poster presentation will highlight the background of CASA, the survey and interview processes, tools used, such as email or internet surveys, and the importance of participatory research.

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Court Appointed Special Advocates: Special Volunteers

CASA, which stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates, is a national organization composed mainly of volunteers, who work together to help children whose parents are in court because of neglect or abuse charges. Volunteers, who are appointed by the court and trained, work with the children to help them understand what is happening and to assess all information to help decide what is best for the child. They also work with parents to help educate them and get them the services they need to be a better parent. The focus of this research is on the CASA volunteers and their experiences within the program. The study surveyed volunteers on their training experience, work with various agencies in coordinating help to benefit children, and studied attachment issues within the program. The project also covered, through voluntary follow up interviews, in-depth problems within the program and emotional attachment problems, workplace problems, and problems deemed important by the volunteer. The poster presentation will highlight the background of CASA, the survey and interview processes, tools used, such as email or internet surveys, and the importance of participatory research.