Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Contaminant Bioaccumulation in Paddlefish and Hybrid Striped Bass Fingerlings Cultured at Frankfort Waste Water Treatment Plant

Kentucky State University

Contaminant Bioaccumulation in Paddlefish and Hybrid Striped Bass Fingerlings Cultured at Frankfort Waste Water Treatment Plant


Kentucky State University


Paddlefish and hybrid striped bass, chosen as valuable market fish, were cultured in reclaimed, effluent water to identify any contaminant bioaccumulation in fish tissue. Both species were cultured from fingerling to stocker size during a 90 day production trial and the tissue was analyzed by the Kentucky Centralized Lab after the trial period. Bioaccumulation of technical chlordane in paddlefish and hybrid striped bass was detected at levels of 39.4 µg/Kg and 5.4 µg/Kg respectively (P< 0.05). Also, selenium was detected at 0.18 mg/Kg in paddlefish and 0.26 mg/Kg in hybrid striped bass (P> 0.05); while mercury was detected at 0.02 mg/Kg in paddlefish and 0.04 mg/Kg in hybrid striped bass (P> 0.05). Chlordane and heavy metals detected did not surpass FDA regulated action levels. These results indicated that using reclaimed, effluent water and unused wastewater treatment facilities could be a valuable outlet for consumer-safe aquaculture production.

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Contaminant Bioaccumulation in Paddlefish and Hybrid Striped Bass Fingerlings Cultured at Frankfort Waste Water Treatment Plant

Paddlefish and hybrid striped bass, chosen as valuable market fish, were cultured in reclaimed, effluent water to identify any contaminant bioaccumulation in fish tissue. Both species were cultured from fingerling to stocker size during a 90 day production trial and the tissue was analyzed by the Kentucky Centralized Lab after the trial period. Bioaccumulation of technical chlordane in paddlefish and hybrid striped bass was detected at levels of 39.4 µg/Kg and 5.4 µg/Kg respectively (P< 0.05). Also, selenium was detected at 0.18 mg/Kg in paddlefish and 0.26 mg/Kg in hybrid striped bass (P> 0.05); while mercury was detected at 0.02 mg/Kg in paddlefish and 0.04 mg/Kg in hybrid striped bass (P> 0.05). Chlordane and heavy metals detected did not surpass FDA regulated action levels. These results indicated that using reclaimed, effluent water and unused wastewater treatment facilities could be a valuable outlet for consumer-safe aquaculture production.