Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Second Chance Act: A Policy Analysis and Call for Change

Northern Kentucky University

Second Chance Act: A Policy Analysis and Call for Change


Northern Kentucky University


The policy addressed was the Second Chance Act; this Act is responsible for such programs as the Reentry Initiative. This Act addresses the social problem of recidivism amongst violent offenders. Before the Second Chance Act was enforced, the most significant issue was the safety of citizens. Once the Act was signed, offender’s ability to integrate successfully back into the community became a social issue as well. The Reentry Initiative addresses juvenile as well as adult serious offenders who pose as high-risk offenders. The initiative expresses the significance of preparing offenders for successful integration back into society after serving a period in a state training, school, a juvenile or adult correctional facility, or any other facility that is secure. The Reentry Initiative is responsible for created programs to assist the offender while incarcerated and continues throughout the transition into society. The focus of the Second Chance Act is to make communities safer, by also focusing on the reduction of offenders reoffending the Act can also assist with making communities safer. As of September 2011, Congress began to work on the funding for the Fiscal Year of 2012 and the week prior to September 22, 2011; the Senate Appropriations Committee approved a bill that would eliminate all funding of the Second Chance Act for the Fiscal year of 2012. With funding cuts, programs diminish, which will increase violent offender recidivism as opposed to reducing.

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Second Chance Act: A Policy Analysis and Call for Change

The policy addressed was the Second Chance Act; this Act is responsible for such programs as the Reentry Initiative. This Act addresses the social problem of recidivism amongst violent offenders. Before the Second Chance Act was enforced, the most significant issue was the safety of citizens. Once the Act was signed, offender’s ability to integrate successfully back into the community became a social issue as well. The Reentry Initiative addresses juvenile as well as adult serious offenders who pose as high-risk offenders. The initiative expresses the significance of preparing offenders for successful integration back into society after serving a period in a state training, school, a juvenile or adult correctional facility, or any other facility that is secure. The Reentry Initiative is responsible for created programs to assist the offender while incarcerated and continues throughout the transition into society. The focus of the Second Chance Act is to make communities safer, by also focusing on the reduction of offenders reoffending the Act can also assist with making communities safer. As of September 2011, Congress began to work on the funding for the Fiscal Year of 2012 and the week prior to September 22, 2011; the Senate Appropriations Committee approved a bill that would eliminate all funding of the Second Chance Act for the Fiscal year of 2012. With funding cuts, programs diminish, which will increase violent offender recidivism as opposed to reducing.