Eastern Kentucky University
Enhancing Prosodic Features in Children with Cochlear Implants
Eastern Kentucky University
Faculty Advisor/ Mentor
Sue Mahanna-Boden
The role of professionals in speech-language pathology and/or aural (re)habilitation of children with cochlear implants (CIs) could account for incongruences across research concerning both perception and production of suprasegmental features in children with cochlear implants. These professionals are with the child throughout the implantation process and provide unique skills that benefit the children. However, little research has examined what suprasegmentals clinicians find important or what features are being addressed in therapy with children with CIs. Thus, this survey sought to survey speech-language pathologists (SLPs), audiologists, and deaf educators currently working with children with cochlear implants to determine what prosodic features professionals addressed and what techniques they preferred.
Enhancing Prosodic Features in Children with Cochlear Implants
The role of professionals in speech-language pathology and/or aural (re)habilitation of children with cochlear implants (CIs) could account for incongruences across research concerning both perception and production of suprasegmental features in children with cochlear implants. These professionals are with the child throughout the implantation process and provide unique skills that benefit the children. However, little research has examined what suprasegmentals clinicians find important or what features are being addressed in therapy with children with CIs. Thus, this survey sought to survey speech-language pathologists (SLPs), audiologists, and deaf educators currently working with children with cochlear implants to determine what prosodic features professionals addressed and what techniques they preferred.