Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Cyp1a1_1a2 Double Knockout Mice Show Impaired Motor Function

Northern Kentucky University

Cyp1a1_1a2 Double Knockout Mice Show Impaired Motor Function


Northern Kentucky University


Previous work in our lab uncovered motor deficits in Cyp1a2(-/-) mice which are missing a key enzyme normally expressed in the liver, but also reportedly expressed in the cortex and cerebellum of the brain. To follow up our earlier work, we obtained Cyp1a1_1a2(-/-) double knockout mice that lack CYP1A2 and a related enzyme CYP1A1. We compared these mice and wild-type Cyp1a1_Cyp1a2(+/+) mice to determine if the motor deficits are exaggerated in the double knockout line. We used the same test battery from our previous studies and were able to replicate our earlier findings. The double knockout mice also had significantly impaired motor performance on the rotarod tests. This strongly suggests that CYP1A2 has an essential role in normal cerebellum development or function.

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Cyp1a1_1a2 Double Knockout Mice Show Impaired Motor Function

Previous work in our lab uncovered motor deficits in Cyp1a2(-/-) mice which are missing a key enzyme normally expressed in the liver, but also reportedly expressed in the cortex and cerebellum of the brain. To follow up our earlier work, we obtained Cyp1a1_1a2(-/-) double knockout mice that lack CYP1A2 and a related enzyme CYP1A1. We compared these mice and wild-type Cyp1a1_Cyp1a2(+/+) mice to determine if the motor deficits are exaggerated in the double knockout line. We used the same test battery from our previous studies and were able to replicate our earlier findings. The double knockout mice also had significantly impaired motor performance on the rotarod tests. This strongly suggests that CYP1A2 has an essential role in normal cerebellum development or function.