Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Study 2 (Lovins): Measuring Performance Peaks in Sports

Northern Kentucky University

Study 2 (Lovins): Measuring Performance Peaks in Sports


Northern Kentucky University


Each sport has an age range in which athletes perform at their highest levels. The main purpose of this research was to estimate and compare age ranges for peak performance among the sports baseball, basketball, and golf. A literature review revealed adequate measurements of success for each sport. These were applied to large samples of athletes and Analysis of Variance was employed to estimate peak performance age ranges. Evidence indicates that baseball and basketball are similar with peak performance occurring between the ages of 25 and 29. Golfers seemingly have a longer period of peak performance lasting as high as age 40.

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Study 2 (Lovins): Measuring Performance Peaks in Sports

Each sport has an age range in which athletes perform at their highest levels. The main purpose of this research was to estimate and compare age ranges for peak performance among the sports baseball, basketball, and golf. A literature review revealed adequate measurements of success for each sport. These were applied to large samples of athletes and Analysis of Variance was employed to estimate peak performance age ranges. Evidence indicates that baseball and basketball are similar with peak performance occurring between the ages of 25 and 29. Golfers seemingly have a longer period of peak performance lasting as high as age 40.