Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: A Comparison of Entrepreneurial Perspectives Between Middle School Students and College Students

Morehead State University

A Comparison of Entrepreneurial Perspectives Between Middle School Students and College Students


Morehead State University


This study involves a pre/post survey of entrepreneurial perspectives administered to students in entrepreneurship programs at middle schools in an eastern Kentucky county and college students at Morehead State University. Data collection occurred in Fall 2013. The analysis included defining an entrepreneur, types of businesses affiliated with entrepreneurship, ranking of the most important attributes of an entrepreneur, a person's own ranking of personal entrepreneurship attributes, views of entrepreneurship overall, and contributions to society, locally and beyond. Differences found between the two groups are reported as well as differences found between males and females.

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A Comparison of Entrepreneurial Perspectives Between Middle School Students and College Students

This study involves a pre/post survey of entrepreneurial perspectives administered to students in entrepreneurship programs at middle schools in an eastern Kentucky county and college students at Morehead State University. Data collection occurred in Fall 2013. The analysis included defining an entrepreneur, types of businesses affiliated with entrepreneurship, ranking of the most important attributes of an entrepreneur, a person's own ranking of personal entrepreneurship attributes, views of entrepreneurship overall, and contributions to society, locally and beyond. Differences found between the two groups are reported as well as differences found between males and females.