Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Exploring Marine Population Dynamics with Agent Based Models

Northern Kentucky University

Exploring Marine Population Dynamics with Agent Based Models


Northern Kentucky University


Accessible, flexible population models are in great demand to model the populations of commercially fished benthic marine species. This project explored extended previous work using a continuous model to develop a parallel agent based model. The parameters of the continuous models are rederived to reflect the behavior of either the entire system or the individual. The modeling software NETLOGO is then used to create a programmed scenario which reflects the real world environment. Various limitations were placed on the model because of the discrete nature of the NETLOGO system, so various factors were explored to determine the most accurate setup of the model.

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Exploring Marine Population Dynamics with Agent Based Models

Accessible, flexible population models are in great demand to model the populations of commercially fished benthic marine species. This project explored extended previous work using a continuous model to develop a parallel agent based model. The parameters of the continuous models are rederived to reflect the behavior of either the entire system or the individual. The modeling software NETLOGO is then used to create a programmed scenario which reflects the real world environment. Various limitations were placed on the model because of the discrete nature of the NETLOGO system, so various factors were explored to determine the most accurate setup of the model.