Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Runaway- Renzo Piano Inspired Pavilion Design

University of Louisville

Runaway- Renzo Piano Inspired Pavilion Design


University of Louisville


Technology has influenced the human's perception of reality to such extent that it has altered what is being perceived “The very act of creating cities that make international business people feel at home in generic non-places also creates environments that repel heritage.” (Labine, Traditional Building) New social groups, new ways of thinking, cycling and recycling, reprocessing perceptions, consuming and digesting ideologies are all aiming to produce a reality that hasn’t existed until these technological advancements. We, as humans, are no longer running away from our homes, to which we use to threaten, and no longer are we tempted to distance ourselves from our daily routines, to which we become accustomed to. Rather, we are running away from our historical past. We are running from our mistakes as a species. The mistake in assuming that we are the natural stakeholders of our Earthly bounds. We are vacating from the comfortable ways of thinking to which fear is avoided. Instead, we are finding ourselves in realms where questions and curiosity are praised. We are discovering a world where man takes ownership of his reality and attempts to rebuild his perception smarter, better, and stronger. By absorbing knowledge created from years of discovery, centuries worth of dialogues and countless amounts of scientific explorations our modern aspirations we are upon such explorations.

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Runaway- Renzo Piano Inspired Pavilion Design

Technology has influenced the human's perception of reality to such extent that it has altered what is being perceived “The very act of creating cities that make international business people feel at home in generic non-places also creates environments that repel heritage.” (Labine, Traditional Building) New social groups, new ways of thinking, cycling and recycling, reprocessing perceptions, consuming and digesting ideologies are all aiming to produce a reality that hasn’t existed until these technological advancements. We, as humans, are no longer running away from our homes, to which we use to threaten, and no longer are we tempted to distance ourselves from our daily routines, to which we become accustomed to. Rather, we are running away from our historical past. We are running from our mistakes as a species. The mistake in assuming that we are the natural stakeholders of our Earthly bounds. We are vacating from the comfortable ways of thinking to which fear is avoided. Instead, we are finding ourselves in realms where questions and curiosity are praised. We are discovering a world where man takes ownership of his reality and attempts to rebuild his perception smarter, better, and stronger. By absorbing knowledge created from years of discovery, centuries worth of dialogues and countless amounts of scientific explorations our modern aspirations we are upon such explorations.