Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Analysis of House Bill One the “Pill Mill Bill”

Western Kentucky University

Analysis of House Bill One the “Pill Mill Bill”


Western Kentucky University


Kentucky’s House Bill One was passed last year as an effort to decrease prescription drug abuse in the Commonwealth. This law requires that all schedule prescription drugs be subject to electronic reporting known as the Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting system. I sought to identify if the passage of the bill had affected the prescription drug problem in our Commonwealth. My overall approach to analyzing the Pill Mill Bill was to conduct a pretest-posttest study design. In order to humanize these numbers, I conducted interviews with members of law enforcement and the judicial branch, health care providers, and politicians in different regions of Kentucky. The impact of the law on patients who really need prescription drugs was addressed. Since most students were not aware of the dangers of prescription drugs and the impact of the "Pill Mill Bill," awareness of prescription drug abuse on Western Kentucky University's campus needs to be addressed.

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Analysis of House Bill One the “Pill Mill Bill”

Kentucky’s House Bill One was passed last year as an effort to decrease prescription drug abuse in the Commonwealth. This law requires that all schedule prescription drugs be subject to electronic reporting known as the Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting system. I sought to identify if the passage of the bill had affected the prescription drug problem in our Commonwealth. My overall approach to analyzing the Pill Mill Bill was to conduct a pretest-posttest study design. In order to humanize these numbers, I conducted interviews with members of law enforcement and the judicial branch, health care providers, and politicians in different regions of Kentucky. The impact of the law on patients who really need prescription drugs was addressed. Since most students were not aware of the dangers of prescription drugs and the impact of the "Pill Mill Bill," awareness of prescription drug abuse on Western Kentucky University's campus needs to be addressed.