Kentucky Community & Technical College System

The Influence of Several Factors on Cystogenesis in Polycystic Kidney Disease and Potential Questions for a Survey Research Instrument


Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease affects nearly 12.5 million people world-wide. Patients with this genetic defect frequently develop kidney failure due to the inability of the nephron tubules to function properly. Development and maintenance of the nephron requires the expression of polycystin-1, the protein product of the PKD-1 gene found on chromosome 16. Heritable mutations of the PKD-1 gene may result in a conformation change in polycystin-1 leading to possible alterations of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions and formation of cysts. As these cysts develop, kidney function decreases. Every individual in a family with polycystic kidney disease shares the same mutation, yet disease progression varies within the family. The current study is a systematic literature review of the effects of environmental factors of diet, caffeine, medications, and toxins on progression of the disease, and development of questions for a survey research instrument.

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The Influence of Several Factors on Cystogenesis in Polycystic Kidney Disease and Potential Questions for a Survey Research Instrument

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease affects nearly 12.5 million people world-wide. Patients with this genetic defect frequently develop kidney failure due to the inability of the nephron tubules to function properly. Development and maintenance of the nephron requires the expression of polycystin-1, the protein product of the PKD-1 gene found on chromosome 16. Heritable mutations of the PKD-1 gene may result in a conformation change in polycystin-1 leading to possible alterations of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions and formation of cysts. As these cysts develop, kidney function decreases. Every individual in a family with polycystic kidney disease shares the same mutation, yet disease progression varies within the family. The current study is a systematic literature review of the effects of environmental factors of diet, caffeine, medications, and toxins on progression of the disease, and development of questions for a survey research instrument.