Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Does Positive Reinforcement Support Behavior Change in the Classroom?

Morehead State University

Does Positive Reinforcement Support Behavior Change in the Classroom?


Morehead State University


Students sometimes arrive at school with behaviors that need to be changed. After identifying students in four elementary classrooms, an action research case study focused on targeted behavior intervention was initiated. Using positive reinforcement and fixed interval monitoring, the effect of the intervention was recorded. The data gathered during the action research project provides insight into the effect of a positive reinforcement program on student classroom behaviors.

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Does Positive Reinforcement Support Behavior Change in the Classroom?

Students sometimes arrive at school with behaviors that need to be changed. After identifying students in four elementary classrooms, an action research case study focused on targeted behavior intervention was initiated. Using positive reinforcement and fixed interval monitoring, the effect of the intervention was recorded. The data gathered during the action research project provides insight into the effect of a positive reinforcement program on student classroom behaviors.