Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Implications and Student Perceptions of Contemporary Pornography: STUDY 2 (Mabry): Young People’s Attitudes on Contemporary Pornography

Morehead State University

Implications and Student Perceptions of Contemporary Pornography: STUDY 2 (Mabry): Young People’s Attitudes on Contemporary Pornography


Morehead State University


With the increased use of free internet pornography, a majority of today’s youth are able to access pornographic content that would have been difficult to find just a couple of decades ago. The rise of raunch culture has also increased the likelihood for young people to stumble upon pornographic material at an earlier age, estimated to be an average of 10 to 12 years old. Other unique differences to be explored with this generation include the increasingly common experiences with “sexting”, exchanging mature adult content through social media, and soft-core pornography that can be viewed on daytime television programs or in other forms of mainstream media. The content of pornography is often critiqued for its violence, sexism, and racism which may arguably desensitize its viewers. Since most young people are not exposed to sex education programs besides those of abstinence only curriculum, it is reasonable to assume that pornography is a major source of their knowledge about sex. We present some insight into what young people are experiencing with today’s mainstreaming of pornography and explore their attitudes toward its content.

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Implications and Student Perceptions of Contemporary Pornography: STUDY 2 (Mabry): Young People’s Attitudes on Contemporary Pornography

With the increased use of free internet pornography, a majority of today’s youth are able to access pornographic content that would have been difficult to find just a couple of decades ago. The rise of raunch culture has also increased the likelihood for young people to stumble upon pornographic material at an earlier age, estimated to be an average of 10 to 12 years old. Other unique differences to be explored with this generation include the increasingly common experiences with “sexting”, exchanging mature adult content through social media, and soft-core pornography that can be viewed on daytime television programs or in other forms of mainstream media. The content of pornography is often critiqued for its violence, sexism, and racism which may arguably desensitize its viewers. Since most young people are not exposed to sex education programs besides those of abstinence only curriculum, it is reasonable to assume that pornography is a major source of their knowledge about sex. We present some insight into what young people are experiencing with today’s mainstreaming of pornography and explore their attitudes toward its content.