Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: What Can Dalcroze Do for You? An Exploration of the Benefits of Dalcroze Methods and Techniques

Morehead State University

What Can Dalcroze Do for You? An Exploration of the Benefits of Dalcroze Methods and Techniques


Morehead State University


This study examined the different methods and techniques of Dalcroze Eurhythmics and how they can be employed to serve us in our daily lives. Eurhythmics was created by Emile JaquesDalcroze (1865-1950) after he noticed that his students could write harmonies and rhythms, but could not actually hear them. This method of music education utilizes movement, aural training, and improvisation to better develop students’ hearing, performance, and connection to music. Dalcroze’s new methods and approaches were avant-garde at their time and were met with some resistance, however, this methodology’s prominence and importance has grown greatly since its development in the 1890s. Today, Eurhythmics instructors receive specialized training and certification and are located around the globe. Eurhythmics is important for both music education and performance; it provides music teachers with a method to educate their students more fully in music, and those performers that learn the methods are better able to connect with and interpret the music that they play. Dalcroze Eurhythmics also has theraputic applications as well and thus has benefits for those outside the study of music. A couple of examples of such benefits include building confidence and increasing spatial and body awareness.

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What Can Dalcroze Do for You? An Exploration of the Benefits of Dalcroze Methods and Techniques

This study examined the different methods and techniques of Dalcroze Eurhythmics and how they can be employed to serve us in our daily lives. Eurhythmics was created by Emile JaquesDalcroze (1865-1950) after he noticed that his students could write harmonies and rhythms, but could not actually hear them. This method of music education utilizes movement, aural training, and improvisation to better develop students’ hearing, performance, and connection to music. Dalcroze’s new methods and approaches were avant-garde at their time and were met with some resistance, however, this methodology’s prominence and importance has grown greatly since its development in the 1890s. Today, Eurhythmics instructors receive specialized training and certification and are located around the globe. Eurhythmics is important for both music education and performance; it provides music teachers with a method to educate their students more fully in music, and those performers that learn the methods are better able to connect with and interpret the music that they play. Dalcroze Eurhythmics also has theraputic applications as well and thus has benefits for those outside the study of music. A couple of examples of such benefits include building confidence and increasing spatial and body awareness.