Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Quantification of heavy metal resistant bacteria adjacent to a wastewater treatment plant

Quantification of heavy metal resistant bacteria adjacent to a wastewater treatment plant

Grade Level at Time of Presentation



Biomedical Science




Eastern Kentucky University

KY House District #

74 and 90

KY Senate District #

28 and 25


Biological Sciences


The objective of this study was to characterize metal resistant bacteria around a wastewater treatment plant. Sediment samples were collected from the Town Branch wastewater treatment plant near Lexington Kentucky, both where the effluent discharges and approximately 10m upstream. Plate counts for heterotrophic bacteria resistant to zinc, cobalt and cadmium were performed. Preliminary results suggest that there are more bacteria resistant to zinc than either cadmium or cobalt at both sampling sites. However, no differences were found between sites. While requiring confirmation, the latter suggests that wastewater treatment plants may not be a source of heavy metal resistant bacteria.

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Quantification of heavy metal resistant bacteria adjacent to a wastewater treatment plant

The objective of this study was to characterize metal resistant bacteria around a wastewater treatment plant. Sediment samples were collected from the Town Branch wastewater treatment plant near Lexington Kentucky, both where the effluent discharges and approximately 10m upstream. Plate counts for heterotrophic bacteria resistant to zinc, cobalt and cadmium were performed. Preliminary results suggest that there are more bacteria resistant to zinc than either cadmium or cobalt at both sampling sites. However, no differences were found between sites. While requiring confirmation, the latter suggests that wastewater treatment plants may not be a source of heavy metal resistant bacteria.