Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: The Effects of Vape and Cigarettes on Rats

The Effects of Vape and Cigarettes on Rats

Grade Level at Time of Presentation

Secondary School


Project Lead The Way - Kentucky

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



The goal of this experiment was to test the effects of vape and cigarettes on overall behavior and health in rats. Vaping has become more popular over time because people think it is a healthier alternative to smoking. However, the effects of vaping have not been extensively studied and there may be harmful effects that are unknown. Using three groups of rats (a control group, a group exposed to cigarette smoke, and a group exposed to vape). Data collection over 2-4 weeks included basic analyses of weight gain, water intake, and food intake, as well as a urinalysis and dissection. The results suggest that vaping can cause some damage to the lungs and affect behavior compared to cigarettes. Overall, it appears that exposure to vape can cause health problems.

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The Effects of Vape and Cigarettes on Rats

The goal of this experiment was to test the effects of vape and cigarettes on overall behavior and health in rats. Vaping has become more popular over time because people think it is a healthier alternative to smoking. However, the effects of vaping have not been extensively studied and there may be harmful effects that are unknown. Using three groups of rats (a control group, a group exposed to cigarette smoke, and a group exposed to vape). Data collection over 2-4 weeks included basic analyses of weight gain, water intake, and food intake, as well as a urinalysis and dissection. The results suggest that vaping can cause some damage to the lungs and affect behavior compared to cigarettes. Overall, it appears that exposure to vape can cause health problems.