Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: CO and Smoke Detector with Garage Door Opening Capabilities

CO and Smoke Detector with Garage Door Opening Capabilities

Grade Level at Time of Presentation

Secondary School


Project Lead The Way - Kentucky

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



Over 500 Americans die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning, and about 15,000 are sent to the ER. Leaving a car running while the garage door is shut can lead to the buildup of these fumes. If a person forgets to shut off the vehicle's engine after the garage door has been lowered, they will be inhaling the fumes without evening realizing they are breathing in this odorless gas. CO gas has often used in order to commit suicide by breathing in the fumes emitted from the exhaust. Garage fires are also a determining factor in the design of this product. 30 deaths, 400 injuries, and $457 million in property damage are caused each year due to garage fires. Electrical malfunction is the leading cause of residential garage fires, a faulty wire or electrical outlet can spark and engulf the structure with flames. In order to limit the number of people who die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning, a device will be created that will be able to detect harmful CO gases and respond to these gases by opening the garage door. The device will also be able to detect smoke as well as alert the fire department when levels reach dangerous heights. The project design team will combine a carbon monoxide detector, smoke detector, and an alert system for the fire department in order to provide homeowners with a device that will detect these gases and open the garage door when levels reach dangerous amounts. The combination system will be installed within the garage door opener and will send a signal to the sensor that will automatically open the garage door when CO and smoke are detected. The product will provide a safe and efficient way for homeowners to get the help they need when exposed to these two gases. This system will prevent and limit the number of deaths, injuries, and property damage caused by CO and smoke.

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CO and Smoke Detector with Garage Door Opening Capabilities

Over 500 Americans die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning, and about 15,000 are sent to the ER. Leaving a car running while the garage door is shut can lead to the buildup of these fumes. If a person forgets to shut off the vehicle's engine after the garage door has been lowered, they will be inhaling the fumes without evening realizing they are breathing in this odorless gas. CO gas has often used in order to commit suicide by breathing in the fumes emitted from the exhaust. Garage fires are also a determining factor in the design of this product. 30 deaths, 400 injuries, and $457 million in property damage are caused each year due to garage fires. Electrical malfunction is the leading cause of residential garage fires, a faulty wire or electrical outlet can spark and engulf the structure with flames. In order to limit the number of people who die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning, a device will be created that will be able to detect harmful CO gases and respond to these gases by opening the garage door. The device will also be able to detect smoke as well as alert the fire department when levels reach dangerous heights. The project design team will combine a carbon monoxide detector, smoke detector, and an alert system for the fire department in order to provide homeowners with a device that will detect these gases and open the garage door when levels reach dangerous amounts. The combination system will be installed within the garage door opener and will send a signal to the sensor that will automatically open the garage door when CO and smoke are detected. The product will provide a safe and efficient way for homeowners to get the help they need when exposed to these two gases. This system will prevent and limit the number of deaths, injuries, and property damage caused by CO and smoke.