Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Gutter Filtration System

Gutter Filtration System

Grade Level at Time of Presentation

Secondary School


Project Lead The Way - Kentucky

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



More than 35% of the world’s population lack access to clean and fresh water each day. One in every five people die due to water related diseases. Recently, there has been a push to help these communities gain access to the basic need of life: water. It has been seen that these projects have truly made a difference in the health and lives of those in developing communities. Our group was inspired by the efforts of other companies to provide fresh water to communities in need. However, we took a different angle: rain water. Rain water contains bacteria that is unsafe to drink. We aim to construct a filter that has the capacity to harness rainwater and convert it into safe drinking water through the structure of a gutter. Fresh water can be the start for communities to begin an upward climb to development, to help themselves and surrounding communities. Through our invention families will not have to rely on organizations, governments, or others providing them with an essential to life. We strive to make the next generation healthy and continually working towards development and improved life standards.

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Gutter Filtration System

More than 35% of the world’s population lack access to clean and fresh water each day. One in every five people die due to water related diseases. Recently, there has been a push to help these communities gain access to the basic need of life: water. It has been seen that these projects have truly made a difference in the health and lives of those in developing communities. Our group was inspired by the efforts of other companies to provide fresh water to communities in need. However, we took a different angle: rain water. Rain water contains bacteria that is unsafe to drink. We aim to construct a filter that has the capacity to harness rainwater and convert it into safe drinking water through the structure of a gutter. Fresh water can be the start for communities to begin an upward climb to development, to help themselves and surrounding communities. Through our invention families will not have to rely on organizations, governments, or others providing them with an essential to life. We strive to make the next generation healthy and continually working towards development and improved life standards.