Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: The Quicker Cool (Cooling Lid)

The Quicker Cool (Cooling Lid)

Grade Level at Time of Presentation

Secondary School


Project Lead The Way - Kentucky

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



The Quicker Cool is a chambered lid designed for travel cups manufactured by companies such as YETI, RTIC, and Ozark Trail. Due to its two piece design, the Quicker Cool is effective for both hot and cold beverages. The idea of the Quicker Cool generates from the cup and saucer concept, where surface area and separation are manipulated to cool a beverage quicker, in a relatively small amount of space.

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The Quicker Cool (Cooling Lid)

The Quicker Cool is a chambered lid designed for travel cups manufactured by companies such as YETI, RTIC, and Ozark Trail. Due to its two piece design, the Quicker Cool is effective for both hot and cold beverages. The idea of the Quicker Cool generates from the cup and saucer concept, where surface area and separation are manipulated to cool a beverage quicker, in a relatively small amount of space.