Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: "Not a Simple Matter: Rejecting Materialism as a Solution to the Mind-Body Problem"

"Not a Simple Matter: Rejecting Materialism as a Solution to the Mind-Body Problem"

Grade Level at Time of Presentation





Eastern Kentucky University

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



Department of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies


"Not a Simple Matter: Rejecting Materialism as a Solution to the Mind-Body Problem"

By Andrew Coyle

Mentored by Dr. Steve Parchment and Dr. Minh Nguyen

Department of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies Many scholars accept materialism as an adequate solution to the mind-body problem. However, acceptance of materialism creates more problems than it purports to solve. This poster provides a background to the mind-body problem. This poster explores materialism as a potential solution to the mind-body problem. After reviewing materialism, it is rejected as an adequate solution to the mind-body problem. The poster concludes by positing property dualism as an alternate solution.

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"Not a Simple Matter: Rejecting Materialism as a Solution to the Mind-Body Problem"

"Not a Simple Matter: Rejecting Materialism as a Solution to the Mind-Body Problem"

By Andrew Coyle

Mentored by Dr. Steve Parchment and Dr. Minh Nguyen

Department of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies Many scholars accept materialism as an adequate solution to the mind-body problem. However, acceptance of materialism creates more problems than it purports to solve. This poster provides a background to the mind-body problem. This poster explores materialism as a potential solution to the mind-body problem. After reviewing materialism, it is rejected as an adequate solution to the mind-body problem. The poster concludes by positing property dualism as an alternate solution.