Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Medical Malpractice Reform: A Research Study and Proposed Bill Revisions on Repeat Offenders within Kentucky’s Healthcare System

Medical Malpractice Reform: A Research Study and Proposed Bill Revisions on Repeat Offenders within Kentucky’s Healthcare System

Grade Level at Time of Presentation







Northern Kentucky University

KY House District #


KY Senate District #





Rachel Pipes

Northern Kentucky University

English Department

Mentored by Dr. Andrea Gazzaniga

Medical Malpractice Reform: A Research Study and Proposed Bill Revisions on Repeat Offenders within Kentucky’s Healthcare System

Because medical professionals have so much power, they easily escape any and all consequences for their actions. These doctors have people’s lives in their hands and should be held accountable for such. This research project consisted of observing the pros and cons of reforming medical malpractice law and determining whether or not it needs to be adjusted, specifically in terms of repeat offenders. I investigated Kentucky’s medical laws and how those correspond with federal medical laws. I approached this issue through legal research. Through the inspiration of several scholarly sources and documents it was determined that repeat offenders within our healthcare system were in fact being overlooked. Based on this conclusion, I determined that drafting a revised section of a medical malpractice bill was necessary, specifically in relation to the way repeat offenders are handled. The proposed section of the bill encompasses several solutions to reprimand repeat offenders and to aid the healthcare system in remaining objective.

Keywords: malpractice law, repeat malpractice offenders, law, medical board, national practitioner databank, recidivism

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Medical Malpractice Reform: A Research Study and Proposed Bill Revisions on Repeat Offenders within Kentucky’s Healthcare System

Rachel Pipes

Northern Kentucky University

English Department

Mentored by Dr. Andrea Gazzaniga

Medical Malpractice Reform: A Research Study and Proposed Bill Revisions on Repeat Offenders within Kentucky’s Healthcare System

Because medical professionals have so much power, they easily escape any and all consequences for their actions. These doctors have people’s lives in their hands and should be held accountable for such. This research project consisted of observing the pros and cons of reforming medical malpractice law and determining whether or not it needs to be adjusted, specifically in terms of repeat offenders. I investigated Kentucky’s medical laws and how those correspond with federal medical laws. I approached this issue through legal research. Through the inspiration of several scholarly sources and documents it was determined that repeat offenders within our healthcare system were in fact being overlooked. Based on this conclusion, I determined that drafting a revised section of a medical malpractice bill was necessary, specifically in relation to the way repeat offenders are handled. The proposed section of the bill encompasses several solutions to reprimand repeat offenders and to aid the healthcare system in remaining objective.

Keywords: malpractice law, repeat malpractice offenders, law, medical board, national practitioner databank, recidivism