Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Enviromentally Conscious Industrial Renewable Energy Storage Design

Enviromentally Conscious Industrial Renewable Energy Storage Design

Grade Level at Time of Presentation



Morehead State University


Engineering and Technology Management


The storage of energy on an industrial scale is the biggest obstacle we face regarding renewable energy sources; which, until the past decade has been at a miniscule scale. Since 2012, the capability and emphasis on finding solutions to this problem have grown exponentially, fueled by a spike in technology advancements. This has led to a growth of over fifteen hundred percent in scalable renewable energy storage, globally. Finding an easily scalable solution to industrial scale renewable energy storage is an important issue that needs to be addressed to mitigate the effect on our environment. This would be a massive first step to achieve a symbiotic relationship with our mother Earth. This poster presents how determine the optimal “one size fits all” approach by accounting for geography, weather patterns throughout history (and projected future weather patterns). the environmentally conscious design focuses on the most promising general concept designs and select the one design that provides the most versatility, maximum efficiency, and provides further analysis through engineering design/facilities planning, cost analysis and implementation scheduling in order to standardization methodology for implementation in a city level, county level, state level, federal level or even a global level.

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Enviromentally Conscious Industrial Renewable Energy Storage Design

The storage of energy on an industrial scale is the biggest obstacle we face regarding renewable energy sources; which, until the past decade has been at a miniscule scale. Since 2012, the capability and emphasis on finding solutions to this problem have grown exponentially, fueled by a spike in technology advancements. This has led to a growth of over fifteen hundred percent in scalable renewable energy storage, globally. Finding an easily scalable solution to industrial scale renewable energy storage is an important issue that needs to be addressed to mitigate the effect on our environment. This would be a massive first step to achieve a symbiotic relationship with our mother Earth. This poster presents how determine the optimal “one size fits all” approach by accounting for geography, weather patterns throughout history (and projected future weather patterns). the environmentally conscious design focuses on the most promising general concept designs and select the one design that provides the most versatility, maximum efficiency, and provides further analysis through engineering design/facilities planning, cost analysis and implementation scheduling in order to standardization methodology for implementation in a city level, county level, state level, federal level or even a global level.