Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Reclamation Of Unused Coal Fields Through Bluegrass Adventures

Reclamation Of Unused Coal Fields Through Bluegrass Adventures

Grade Level at Time of Presentation


2nd Grade Level at Time of Presentation


3rd Grade Level at Time of Presentation


4th Grade Level at Time of Presentation


5th Grade Level at Time of Presentation



Morehead State University

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



School of business


Reclamation Of Unused Coal Fields Through Bluegrass Adventures

Throughout the last century, Eastern Kentucky has been pivotal in the coal production for the united states. As such many jobs and economic opportunities were largely formed through coal mining. In recent years, however, coal production has shifted elsewhere leaving the rural communities of eastern Kentucky at risk of economic failure. This project was focused on providing a redevelopment plan for an abandoned coal mine in eastern Kentucky. The Entrepreneurial Coal Lands Redevelopment Program (ECLRP) is focused on reclaiming abandoned coalmines to encourage economic evolution and development in low-income communities. Redevelopment of coalmines can create jobs and promotes social development. Bluegrass Adventures is a business plan that will turn an abandoned coalmine into an area where people can come to enjoy the beautiful outdoors of Kentucky. Our project details the business plan for hosting summer camps to educate local youth, redesigning the land in a visually appealing and efficient manner, and providing jobs in the area. The foundation for Bluegrass Adventures seeks to generate workforce development in construction, hospitality, and training in technical work. The development of Bluegrass Adventures will bring economic growth to the Elliot County community, in addition to improving all of eastern Kentucky. Our business plan outlines finances, marketing, organization and everything needed to start this business. Our hopes are to create a business plan, site profile, environmental evaluation, and model to bring an Adventure Park to eastern Kentucky and ensure new economic growth to Elliot County.

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Reclamation Of Unused Coal Fields Through Bluegrass Adventures

Reclamation Of Unused Coal Fields Through Bluegrass Adventures

Throughout the last century, Eastern Kentucky has been pivotal in the coal production for the united states. As such many jobs and economic opportunities were largely formed through coal mining. In recent years, however, coal production has shifted elsewhere leaving the rural communities of eastern Kentucky at risk of economic failure. This project was focused on providing a redevelopment plan for an abandoned coal mine in eastern Kentucky. The Entrepreneurial Coal Lands Redevelopment Program (ECLRP) is focused on reclaiming abandoned coalmines to encourage economic evolution and development in low-income communities. Redevelopment of coalmines can create jobs and promotes social development. Bluegrass Adventures is a business plan that will turn an abandoned coalmine into an area where people can come to enjoy the beautiful outdoors of Kentucky. Our project details the business plan for hosting summer camps to educate local youth, redesigning the land in a visually appealing and efficient manner, and providing jobs in the area. The foundation for Bluegrass Adventures seeks to generate workforce development in construction, hospitality, and training in technical work. The development of Bluegrass Adventures will bring economic growth to the Elliot County community, in addition to improving all of eastern Kentucky. Our business plan outlines finances, marketing, organization and everything needed to start this business. Our hopes are to create a business plan, site profile, environmental evaluation, and model to bring an Adventure Park to eastern Kentucky and ensure new economic growth to Elliot County.