Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Mental Health on Campus: What Barriers are there to Seeking Help?

Grade Level at Time of Presentation







Murray State University

KY House District #


KY Senate District #





Previous research has found that mental health disorders on college campuses have become increasingly prevalent, and many college students are not seeking help for their psychological health. This study examines college students’ views on seeking help for mental health problems, as well as their knowledge about mental health resources on campus. In addition, the study aims to identify what barriers are preventing students from seeking treatment for their mental health problems and what college students believe are the benefits of seeking mental health treatment. Participants (N = 95) in this study were asked to complete questionnaires that measure both their perceived barriers and benefits regarding mental health treatment, as well as where they would seek help for their mental health if they felt they needed it. The results of this study provide information about how college students feel about mental health services and how mental health services can adapt to better meet students’ needs.



Mental Health on Campus: What Barriers are there to Seeking Help?

Previous research has found that mental health disorders on college campuses have become increasingly prevalent, and many college students are not seeking help for their psychological health. This study examines college students’ views on seeking help for mental health problems, as well as their knowledge about mental health resources on campus. In addition, the study aims to identify what barriers are preventing students from seeking treatment for their mental health problems and what college students believe are the benefits of seeking mental health treatment. Participants (N = 95) in this study were asked to complete questionnaires that measure both their perceived barriers and benefits regarding mental health treatment, as well as where they would seek help for their mental health if they felt they needed it. The results of this study provide information about how college students feel about mental health services and how mental health services can adapt to better meet students’ needs.


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