Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: One-pot Conversion of Carboxylic Acids to Aldehydes

University of Louisville

Grade Level at Time of Presentation





University of Louisville

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



Dept. of Chemistry


There are many different ways to convert a carboxylic text acid to an aldehyde. A common way to accomplish this transformation is to use multiple steps (e.g., reduction of the carboxylic acid to the corresponding alcohol followed by selective oxidation to the aldehyde). Our success in reducing the diacid muconic acid (1) to muconaldehyde (4) in a relatively mild, one-pot process has led us to examine whether the method can be expanded to other carboxylic acids. We report here our findings using benzoic acid as a representative substrate.



One-pot Conversion of Carboxylic Acids to Aldehydes

There are many different ways to convert a carboxylic text acid to an aldehyde. A common way to accomplish this transformation is to use multiple steps (e.g., reduction of the carboxylic acid to the corresponding alcohol followed by selective oxidation to the aldehyde). Our success in reducing the diacid muconic acid (1) to muconaldehyde (4) in a relatively mild, one-pot process has led us to examine whether the method can be expanded to other carboxylic acids. We report here our findings using benzoic acid as a representative substrate.


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