SNHP | Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare
Reducing Opioid Dependency in a Clinical Setting
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Dr. Marcia Hobbs
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Opioid medication can be essential in treating pain. However, opioid dependence has become an issue in the clinical setting not only locally or nationally, but also globally. There has been an increase in these rates especially for those receiving it for chronic pain. Prevention is the key in treating this issue. Assessment for risk factors and education on the medication are key measures that should be implemented before opioid medication administration. By executing this, a reduction in opioid dependency rates may be seen in the clinical healthcare setting.
Large Ballroom, Curris Center, Murray State University
Start Date
November 2016
End Date
November 2016
Reducing Opioid Dependency in a Clinical Setting
Large Ballroom, Curris Center, Murray State University
Opioid medication can be essential in treating pain. However, opioid dependence has become an issue in the clinical setting not only locally or nationally, but also globally. There has been an increase in these rates especially for those receiving it for chronic pain. Prevention is the key in treating this issue. Assessment for risk factors and education on the medication are key measures that should be implemented before opioid medication administration. By executing this, a reduction in opioid dependency rates may be seen in the clinical healthcare setting.