Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Implementing Dysphagia Screenings in Stroke Patients

Presenter Information

Meredith BullerFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Dysphagia screenings are important to be done for all stroke patients in order to prevent aspiration, pneumonia, and other complications. All patients should be screened regardless of severity of stroke. Many policies outline that all patients should be screened, but many floors are not implementing the policy on all patients. This article reviews research associated with dysphagia screenings and how to properly perform one. Dysphagia screenings should be performed on all stroke patients at the hospital to achieve the best outcomes post-stroke.

Keywords: Stroke, aspiration, screening, dysphagia

Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event

Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare (Posters)

Included in

Nursing Commons



Implementing Dysphagia Screenings in Stroke Patients

Dysphagia screenings are important to be done for all stroke patients in order to prevent aspiration, pneumonia, and other complications. All patients should be screened regardless of severity of stroke. Many policies outline that all patients should be screened, but many floors are not implementing the policy on all patients. This article reviews research associated with dysphagia screenings and how to properly perform one. Dysphagia screenings should be performed on all stroke patients at the hospital to achieve the best outcomes post-stroke.

Keywords: Stroke, aspiration, screening, dysphagia